Friday, December 31, 2010

Tiny Foreigners

I take compliments. I take them in whatever form they come. I take them even if they are likely a ploy to get something from me and even if they are insincere. I take them even if they are insane.

Today I took a walk to a coffee shop by my house. Just before crossing the street, a small framed man with a cigarette stopped me and said, “You are so beautiful.” I didn’t wait around to see if he said this to the next woman passing by, but instead looked into his eyes and said, “Thank you.” I meant it too.

One day I was riding the train into work and this young man said that I looked really nice that day. I was a little taken aback…after all, I was wearing my sensible shoes and had my hair pulled up into a knot to keep it from getting in the way of my computer bag strap. I sheepishly thanked him, and he went on to tell me that he was new to the area and was looking to make friends. I wished him luck and got off at my stop. A week or so later I saw him again, this time talking to another middle-aged woman. He told her that she looked really nice that day and that he was new to town… Since then I take the compliment and run. I don’t need to know if it’s not unique to me.

Last summer I was in line at a McDonald’s and a man told me he loved the red nail polish on my toes. I was wearing flip-flops, no makeup, and my hair was a mess. I figured that might just be the only thing he could find to compliment, but it was no less sweet.

At 47, kind words are not taken for granted. I’ve lived on the planet long enough to know how many words are spoken unkindly. I have been around long enough to understand the fight, and while I now know that I can’t take the negative all that personally, I am not willing to give up taking the positive words straight to heart.

I texted my daughter this afternoon right after my latest brush with appreciation.
Me: Walking on Grand. Tiny foreigner smoking a cigarette says, “You’re so beautiful” out of nowhere. It’s always the tiny foreigners.
Daughter: You have a gift. Very lucky.

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year, dear friend. I love your writing, it speaks volumes to me. And I love your hair. Even if you think it's a mess, it's not. You are truly beautiful, inside and out.

    May many blessings follow you in the New Year, as the Universe smiles down on you.

    BTW, I hope you are considering turning your blog posts into a book.
